Raising Kids to Have a Millionaire Mindset

How do you raise kids with a millionaire mindset?

Being a parent is a difficult job. You're in charge of keeping a human being fed, clothed, and alive, which should be plenty. On top of that tremendous task, you're expected to pass along knowledge and set them up financially in the future. We are here to help. In this blog we will go over 3 simple tips to help develop your child’s Millionaire Mindset. If you like what you read listen to the full podcast episode on our website of your favorite podcast listening app. Ok Lets go!

Here are some tips you can use to guide your future millionaires:

Tip #1 Teach Them About Money

This is a simple but difficult one for some parents, especially if you were neer taught about money. Now is the opportunity to learn with them. Some ways you can keep your children about money are introducing them to some of the common bills around the house. Exposing your kids to the concept of water , utility, cable, phone, and other monthly bills can help to make the concept of finances more tangible.

"Now is the opportunity to learn with them."

After you have exposed them to these concepts at an early age the next level would be to involve them in the family budget. When I was younger I used to do couponing with my Mom. We would wake up early on Sunday and cut out all the coupons we thought we would use and then head to the store to hunt! We even played a game on how much the groceries would cost before and after coupons. This made me feel involved in the budget decisions of the house and taught me how much things costs. Share the actual costs of the bills, family trips, and groceries to your older kids can help them build a realistic budget for when they live on their own.

Tip #2 Help them start a Short term Business

Another way to teach them about money is to help them earn money. The Lemonade Stand has become a parent go to for fundraising and teaching entrepreneurial skills. We encourage parents to get creative and tap into the passion or gifts of their children to launch their first entrepreneurial venture with a short term financial goal behind it. Maybe they want to go to Disneyland, buy a new toy, go on a trip, or buy flowers for their first crush. This is a great opportunity to teach them how to earn their own money, save, and invest in their short term goal. This lesson with stick with them for life.

Tip #3 Expose Them Wealth and World Experiences

Your brain can not imagine something it has never seen before. If you want your children to grow up to be Millionaires you must expose them to people, places, and experiences of the wealth. This can be as simple as going on local college tours, driving through the wealthy part of town, visiting Black History Museums, or having a fancy dinner. Don’t have funds for something like this yet? No problem the internet is a beautiful thing. You can take weekly virtual vacations traveling all around the world from your phone or laptop. As you travel to these different destinations make it interesting by rating the destination with your family. Maybe a family short term financial goal could be to save up enough to go to one of your top 3 destinations. The goal here to is expand their mind past what they see everyday. You want to expand their knowledge and possibility of self.

Thanks for reading and investing in the mindset of your scholar. If you liked this content listen to the full podcast Ep. 165 Raising Melanated Millionaire Kids be clicking the link below. We have new episodes every week with the goal of promoting love and wealth to our community. Tap in and if you have a question for us to answer on our show send it in.

Thanks for reading!

Tip #1 Teach them about Money

Tip #2 Help them Launch a Short Term Business

Tip #3 Expose them to Wealth and World Experiences

Secure the Marriage, Secure the Love, and Secure the Bag.

See podcast reference:

Raising Melanated Millionaire Kids | The M4 Show Ep. 165

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