How To Stop Self Sabotaging: Don't Self Sabotage TH4 Live Podcast Ep. 75
Don't Self Sabotage (True Health 4ever Live Podcast Ep. 75)
Top Takeaways
- Know how are you getting in your own way of becoming the best you can be of living your best life how are you a self-barrier in getting to that next level right consciously or subconsciously.
- Self-sabotage - means behaviors or thought patterns that hold you back and prevent you from doing what you want to do notice every pronoun there was you. What are you doing to be in your own way you've heard the phrase like get out of your own way something we all need to do because in some way shape or form?
- Start believing in yourself! Only then will you become unstoppable
- Get out of your own way
- Self- sabotage is the unconscious unhealthy habits we oven do that ultimately lead to our destruction.
- resistance occurs when you are trying to make a choice that delays the immediate gratification over long-term gain.
- Hedonism is not always beneficial its often morse destructive.
- What is hedonism: “It is the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life.” — Donald Armstrong.
Hedonism, according to Schwartz (1992), is a person's prioritizing of pleasure as a goal relative to other potentially important goals. - Sometime there are things that we think are also steps into getting our goals but in reality they’re just distractions into us being able to get what we really want.
- Asses how are you self-sabotaging yourself?
- Know how your goals impact the people around you: Are you able to make a change?
Key moments
[00:22] intro
[02:15] how are you getting in your own way
[03:25] definition of self-sabotage- (Sinclair gives us the full meaning of self-sabotage
[04:47] “it's the behaviors” De’Von gives insights about self-sabotage
[04:49] Habits and acts of self-sabotage
[06:44] The War of Art | Steven Pressfield
[07:28] when does resistance occur?
[10:10] The “Ego” You vs The “Self” You
[11:54] Constant Battle with Your Ego
[12:30] Resistance and the soul
[12:56] Step by Step Towards Your Goals
[13:00] Hidden resistance and distractions
[15:00] What’s in your head?
[16:00] Examples of hidden resistance: Sinclair and DeVon shares their own struggles with unnoticeable resistance.
[24:36] steps to overcoming self-sabotage
[27:01] Make your goal impactful and visible!
[32:36] actions that don’t seem negative but actually are
[34:40] pick an alternate behavior or thought
[37:19] track yourself from the start: Our lovely couple shares insight on what to do and how to do it
[41:45] stopping the short-term gain
[41:57] be honest with yourself
[44:02] three steps of overcoming self-sabotage: Summary of the podcast
[53:03] outro
- There are actions that don’t seem negative and destructive but actually are.
- There are things that are maybe seemingly positive but at the end of the day it's still resistance and still a barrier from your goal
- sabotage so make sure you're paying attention to what you're doing and to how you're thinking.
- Practice delayed gratification: you are trying to make a choice that delays immediate gratification over long-term gain. resistance will take any form to trick you into choosing the short-term game
- Avoid Practicing hedonism. Avoid hedonism whether you are willingly doing it or not.
- Know your priorities: The real priorities
- Beware of the un noticeable distractions we have in life.
- Keep your eyes open for actions that don’t seem negative on the surface but actually are.
- pick an alternate behavior or thought
- be picky between immediate and long term
- Pick up the pace!
- Find something that is comforting to you but is productive at the same time: something that doesn't deter you deter you from the goal
- make a micro step towards that goal
“I got out of my own way. I started to actually believe in myself and once I did that the sky is the limit” – Sinclair
“it's the behaviors, it's the habits. it's what you're actually doing and pattern of thoughts so it's not even only what you're doing it's also what's in your head what are you thinking” - DeVon
“The internal war that you have with yourself when you're trying to create something and put something out into the world” – DeVon
“Through the internal battle that you have and the main battle is this term called resistance” – DeVon
“Resistance will take any form to trick you into choosing the short-term game” - Steven Pressfield
“Literally every time you are trying to get towards a goal you have that internal battle with yourself over” – DeVon
“Constantly when you're trying to you create art, when you're trying to create a better future for yourself it's a war it's a battle between the lower self your “ego you” and your higher self.”- Devon
“The more important something is to our soul and long-term vision the more resistance you will feel” - Steven Pressfield
“All those other things are distractions all those other things are really just resistance towards what i really want” – Devon
“It can be easy to justify what you're doing if your goal is not crystal clear” – Sinclair
“It impacts my confidence right when I look good, I Feel Untouchable” – Sinclair
“There are things that are maybe seemingly positive but at the end of the day it's still resistance and still a barrier from your goal”- DeVon
“When I think about what who can I help when I’m feeling confident, I can help other people dealing with the same thing right so I feel like it's part of my responsibility to overcome this struggle so that i can help other people do the same”– Sinclair
“There are actions that doesn't even seem negative on the surface it doesn't even seem like it's something unhealthy it doesn't seem like it's something negative but at the end of the day it's still keeping you from your real authentic long-term goals” – Devon
“I don't know what I could have done instead of you know slowing down in the run” – Devon
“Find something that is comforting to you but is productive at the same time”- Sinclair
“Make a micro step towards that goal” – Devon
“We need to get ourselves on the starting block” – Devon
“You have to be very honest with yourself” – Sinclair
Resources mentioned:
The War of Art | Steven Pressfield
Black Studies Slacks
Tulsa Black Wall Street
Haitian revolution History