We went to work, researching all the best tips and strategies for upgrading podcast visibility and impact to as many people as possible. You know at TH4 we don’t only focus on physical healing but we’re also aiming for holistic healing and if you’re planning on starting your very own podcast or growing your podcast more, then this blog is for you! After all podcasts are healing avenues for all the virtual wanderers out there.
This is the extensive list of podcast advertising techniques we're looking forward to using. We thought of sharing it to you too! “we’re all in this together!” says the hit movie High School Musical.
Influence your audience: Create Leverage
We want to create an environment where our guests can share and advertise the podcasts easily. You may give them a personal message and attach a few media that can be shared or any relatable short graphic contents that may resonate with them.
Quotes from the podcast (see.
- Images
- Links
- Pre-written tweets and status updates

Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens. You’ll be able to determine what might be their next reaction towards the podcast you’re trying to promote. Also once you have leverage you’ll most likely get all the free advertising you need without having to pay for anything all thanks to your sharable content and of course one click of a button by all your podcast listeners.
Collaborate with top of the notch Influencers. Celebrities, and Professionals
This is the most underrated but most effective approach of all. Imagine trying to draw a tree or whatever you want to draw before drawing on a piece of paper the first thing that your pen/pencil will do is to create a dot, this dot is the beginning of a greater picture you are yet to create. The same goes with growing your podcast you need to find the right dots! And how do we do that? Bam bam bam! We collaborate with other well-known creators. We at TH4 have done this tons of times and it’s a proven fact. If you want to be a guest on our podcast reach out!
We’ve been blessed to have Chef Leel, Focus and Frame, Married In Crazy, Josiah Greer, and the founder of Eat Plants and Prosper on our podcast. We also have an upcoming interview Ms. JJ Virgin, Celebrity Nutrition Expert & Fitness Hall of Famer. She has over 2 million views on YouTube and 200,000 followers on all her social media platforms. So, tune in for that upcoming interview as well.
Save the date Dec 20, 2021 (10:00 AM PST / 1PM ET ) on the True Health 4ever Podcast Interview with JJ Virgin.
This is an early Christmas treat for all of you. From JJ. Virgin and your True Health 4ever Family!
Why Is It Important to Collaborate with Other Creators?
By collaborating you’ll not only give the listeners quality content from experts and well-known people. You’ll also get to have new audiences that these guests can gauge. You’ll be able to hit two birds with one stone. Remember your podcast guests have different reaches all these different reach capacities can help you grown your channel way more than you can imagine. That’s what PR (Public Relations) is for.
Be socially active in social media
It is important to build your presence in all the social activities happening around, and soon enough people will be familiar with you and will start to wonder who you are, where you’re from and why you are seen in almost every comment section in the internet. Once they’re familiar with you they’ll visit your page and most likely scroll through all your contents if they find it appealing then you’ve already secured a like and follow from the “netizens” (citizens of the internet).
We Are Social, found that 2.8 billion people worldwide were active on social media at the start of 2017. The year-over-year increase is a 21% boost. It's also a smart strategy to use several social media channels when promoting an episode after it's already been released.
Another surefire way of making sure that people know about your podcast is to include social media links on your website and on your email reminder messages. If you do so, you are allowing your subscribers and website visitors to share and promote an episode of your podcast with more ease.
How badly do you want it? Ask for it
An effective call-to-action is important to the success of podcast marketing. Recognize that one of your aims is to encourage your listeners to your website to make them obtain a copy of your show notes, alerts, and other downloadable offerings. And it helps you create your email subscriber list and turn the subscribers into qualified leads.
Encourage listeners to share your podcast episode and other helpful material by including a little in your call-to-action spiel. Good publicity relies on word-of-mouth; make the most of it.
The suggestions above will need a little of effort, but they can boost your work astonishingly, especially if you practice them consistently.
Consistency is the key anything in this world is achieved through focus, perseverance, consistency, and love. Be tenacious enough for your vision to come true and for your podcasts to echo.
Make the the audio/podcast available YouTube or any other streaming app
Use SEO techniques in creating podcast titles to make sure you get those hits. If you don’t know what SEO is you can just email us and we’ll happily create a whole new blogpost for you about SEO. Remember that the TH4 family loves you and we value collective success, together we can all have a shared destiny through a sense of unity.
Making you podcast accessible to almost all streaming platforms increases the rate of your presence. The more outlets you have the more potential listeners you’ll get.
We love that you can use the podcast in many different ways. While it is common for corporations to include social media posts on Facebook and Periscope, many are also included live podcast interviews with live video segments. We're eager to see if a new path is workable.
We're anxious to upload every podcast episode on our YouTube channel.
When you have a YouTube version, you have a number of advantages:
- Shareable video see sample. [TH4 Podcast Ep. 64 Sugar Sugar How You Get So Addicting?]
- Closed captions from YouTube.
- SEO advantages
Bonus: Apps where you can upload you podcast the more the merrier!
- Overcast
- Stitcher
- Podcast Addict
- Podcast subreddit
- PodcastLand (your podcast will be automatically listed here if it’s in iTunes)
- TuneIn
- Bello Collective
- Castro
- Podcast Republic
- Downcast
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